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  • Writer's pictureGalvin Ang

3 Sales Strategies after Circuit Breaker (Singapore Edition)

Dear Visitors,

These are some of the strategies that I came up with for my team members last month. Do apply them if you find them useful.

Email me if you got more ideas to share. Always welcome.

Let’s start.

Life will not be exactly the same after the circuit breaker due to the new measures about workplace norm, until the new vaccine is developed.

Our main concern will be the ability to meet prospects & clients for new appointments. Some of you have existing clients while some of you are still building new ones. In summary, we need to go back to the basics of this business.

Basics means rebuilding the business in the new landscape where clients can use this COVID19 situation as a good reason to postpone your appointments. So we need to learn how to adapt and use creative selling in the process. Basics mean back to Day 1 of how you started.

Lots of activities - meaning daily interactions with potential clients via whatever communication modes you had been using & more.

Adapt means we need to learn new ways to communicate with clients & prospects via teleconference like Teams & Zoom app. At the same time, we must also get familiar with all types of online communication systems.

One consultant shared with me that Zoom might be one way to prospect & communicate with prospects moving forward. It may be a more efficient way to engage them, which I agree. He shared his personal strategy with me and I totally agree with him. We call this progressive thinking.

Next thing, you need to hone your online presentation skills to perfection for an efficient and productive appointment.

You will need to reverse engineer your sales process and make it visual for an online "stage".

Think through the common objections and built into your online presentation kits.

What is the best way to handle an objection?

To answer the objection before it happened.

Start a brainstorming session on your own & sieve out all the potential questions, objections and answers to your prospect's demographics. Then reverse engineer the solutions to them and create your presentation kits.

Types of Online Presentation Kits & Systems you may need:

1. Opening Statement Presentation Kit (New Prospects & Existing Clients)

2. Closing Process Presentation Kit (Use this to aid you in the closing workflow)

3. Specific Products Presentation Kit (Products Focus)

4. Email templates for first appointment setting with Zoom link (If you are using Zoom)

5. Email appointments reminders system (To remind prospects/clients on the online appointment)

6. Follow-up systems after the first appointment

7. Set up a word document with all the links to relevant business information (For easy self-reference & forwarding)

That’s all for now. We need to move and not stay static in the situation.

When there is a Will, there will be a Way.

Performance Coach, Galvin Ang

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